The Gynecomastia Removal Procedure Is Done by Gynecomastia surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav by using Vaser Liposuction & Gland Excision.

The Gynecomastia Procedure Is Done By Following Steps

1. Marking Of the Chest Area – First marking is done and all the area from where the excess fat deposition and glandular breast tissue is present is marked in consultation with the patient.

2. Local Anaesthesia Administration – The anesthesia is administered and tumescent solution is infiltrated in the entire area. Through the small stab incision given around the nipple areolar region.

3. VASER LIPOSUCTION – The male breast liposuction is performed by ultrasonic energy based Vaser technique.

First with the VASER probe the Gynecomastia surgeon break the firm and resistant  fat and fibrous tissues for proper sculpting  of the whole concerned area of the chest. After that a special hollow cannula is inserted to remove the extra fat. This vaser liposuction cannula is moved back and forth gently to remove the fat by vacuum suction. Suction is stopped when aspiration shows no fat coming out from the desired area. The chest skin is assessed by diminution in contour and by the pinch test.

4. GLAND EXCSION – Dr. Prashant Yadav, specialist in Gynecomastia surgery will remove the excess glandular breast tissue through the sameperiareolar incision.

5. SKIN TIGHTENING – We are using the advanced technique for liposuction by Vaser which results in good skin retraction depending on the skin elasticity so there won’t be any loose skin after the surgery. Rarely if there is loose skin then we can excise the loose skin also.


After Gynecomastia surgery, a small dressing is kept over the chest and pressure garment is applied to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals.

  • You should avoid driving yourself for first 24 hrs due to drowsiness and if possible accompany someone with you.
  • You can take bath after dressing is removed and can resume your normal work after 1 or 2 days.
  • You will be prescribed 7 days course of antibiotics and analgesics after the procedure.
  • You can resume normal activity once you are comfortable to do movements and there is no food or travelling restriction.
  • You can start gym and exercise after 1 or 2 weeks once you are comfortable.
  • The sutures will be removed after 14 days.


  • The final results of breast reduction in men are long lasting.
  • There will be very fine scar which is placed as such it won’t be visible much.
  • All the scars improve over time and within 6 months they fade.
  • You will start appreciating the change in shape after 10 days and within a month when most of the swelling subsides noticeable changes in the shape and reduction in size will be seen.
  • Your improved upper body will likely enhance your self-image and confidence, whether you are wearing t-shirt or any tight clothes. This surgery is a life changing and you will get back your lost confidence.


The Gynecomastia Surgery Is Very Safe & Secure.

The following are temporary side effects and consequence of Gynecomastia surgery

  • Swelling
  • Bruising at some part of the chest
  • Discomfort
  • Numbness

These changes will resolve within 7 to 10 days after the procedure on its own.
You need to wear compression garments customized for the chest region for first 2 months. At dezire clinic we give ultrasonic session to reduce the swelling, pain and discomfort for faster recovery.


The cost of Gynecomastia surgery in India at Dezire Clinic is based on the Grade of the Gynecomastia. To know your estimated cost of your Gynecomastia procedure kindly calls us on 9222122122 or mails us on

*Disclaimer: Plastic and cosmetic surgery depends on person to person and their skin type, medical & health condition ( Not Guarantied ).